Transport and storage facilities Print
Tuesday, 12 October 2010 11:59

Transport and storage equipment of the enterprise enables quickly to provide all production facilities with raw stuff and materials.

The Enterprise disposes of:

- harbour facilities;

- well equipped quays;

- sheltered storehouses;

- heated storehouses (area of 50000 m2);

- open air sites (area of close to 70000 м2) procured with cranage to facilitate handling operations;

- efficient branching of rail roads and motor roads;

- all necessary lifting and transporting equipment;

- customs warehouse.

Storehouses are equipped with general purpose cranes and piler-cranes to handle goods weighing up to 1 ton-force.

Nonheated sheltered storehouses dispose of an area of 7000 м2. They are provided with general purpose cranes.

Transportation facilities consist of intrinsic marine, river, railway and road means of transport and technical assistance base. Transport railways of the enterprise are connected to the Northern railways network.

To escalate production rates in output of main production orders and to perform water-transport, trans-shipment operations in the pre-enterprise waters, river and sea, the Production association disposes of marine and river vessels, auxiliary and special-purpose vessels, dock and cranage facilities.

All water transport is divided into the following groups depending on the register class and functions:

- seagoing tugs, passenger and combination ships;

- raid tugs, boats and special-purpose ships;

- floating handling facilities (float cranes);

- river tug boats and passenger ships;

- river-sea transporting docks;

- self-floating ship raising structures (docks);

- hulks and barges.

All objects and cargos of Sevmash are protected by paramilitary guards and security service.


automated non-ferrous metals storehouse
automated non-ferrous metals storehouse

tug loading
tug loading

shipping of marine pontoon tower
shipping of marine pontoon tower